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Recent Publications

Prange, I. S., and C. Rose. 2020. Investigating uneven recovery of repatriated bobcats
(Lynx rufus) in a mined landscape: space use, habitat use and condition in coal country. Wildlife Research 65:423-434.  


Rose, C., I. S. Prange, and S. M. Landry. 2020. Extirpated, immigrated, genetically stratified—first demographic assessment of a recovering bobcat (Lynx rufus) population after a century of extinction. Mammal Research doi:10.1007/s13364-019-00462-1


Beever, E. A., S. Prange, and D. A. DellaSala (eds). 2019. Disturbance

Ecology and Biological Diversity: Scale, Context, and Nature.

CRS Press/Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.


Cavender, N., and S. Prange. 2019. Microbes to Bobcats: Biological

Refugia of Appalachian Reclaimed Coal Mines, p. 143-167 in E. A. 

Beever, S. Prange, and D. A. DellaSala (eds). Disturbance Ecology and

Biological Diversity: Scale, Context, and Nature. CRS Press/Taylor

and Francis, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.


Bencin, H. L., S. Prange, C. Rose, and V. D. Popescu. 2019. Roadkill

and space use data predict vehicle-strike hotspots and mortality rates

in a recovering bobcat (Lynx rufus) population. Sci Rep 9, 15391.



Rich, M., C. Thompson, S. Prange, and V. D. Popescu. 2018. Relative importance of habitat characteristics and interspecific interactions in determining terrestrial carnivore occurrence. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6:78. doi:10.3389/fevo.2018.00078.



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